사람들이 가는 모임과 하는 것들 묘사
Talk about gatherings and celebrations in your country.
What do people do when they get together or to celebrate things ?
Give me all the details.
People mostly have social gatherings.
They normally grab some drinks with some side dishes at bars.
They sometimes play drinking games.
In most cases, couples are born at this gathering.
like this, many people relieve their stress through gathering.
본인이 모임에서 기억나는 에피소드 묘사
Talk about a memorable incident that happened at a gathering or celebration.
Why was it memorable ? What made it unforgettable ?
I remember going to my friend's birthday party a few month a go.
There was a friend I hadn't seen in a long time.
that day was so much fun.
So I got drunk because i drank too much.
My stomach was upset.
I had a hangover the next day.
Since than, i try not to drink too much.
파티 준비를 도와준 경험
Talk about a time when you helped prepare for a party or a celebration.
What did you exactly do to help out ?
I remember having a family gathering at home.
We ordered in some fried chicken.
Plus, we ordered in Japan sushi from a Japan restaurant.
The food tasted extra good that day because i was starving.
After the gathering, there were a lot of leftovers.
So, i helped clean up after the gathering.