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롤플레이 (아무거나)

by 고구마는호박고구마 2022. 1. 26.

(11번 유형)  호텔 예약

I'd like to reserve a room on the today.
are you all booked that night?
I would like Non-smoking room, please
I don't mind room size

I heard that you offer a summer discount for everyone. Is that right?

10%? O h not bad good

what? you give me an extra 2% discount, When I sign up for your site?

I'll sign up right now !!

can i pay for credit card?

thank you.





(11번 유형) 국내 여행

I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out.

You wnat to go on a trip in your own country. Contact a travel agency and ask three or

four questions in order to find out as much as you can.


Hello, this is Chan ung. I'm planning to go on a trip with my friend.

I'm looking at your website right now and there are many package tour.

among them. i'm interested in the Jeju Island.

So I have a some questions.

the most important thing to me is the price.

So...can you recommend me the cheapest one??

Can I add scuba diving activities? 

We really want to try scuba diving on this trip.

how much is it? oh good

I heard that you offer a summer discount for everyone. Is that right?

10%? O h not bad good

Ok make a reservation . Thanks very much.







(11번 유형) 가게, 휴대폰 등


are there Iphone series?

I prefer dark colors.

the most important thing to me is the price.

So...can you recommend me the cheapest one??

how much is it?

I heard that you offer a summer discount for everyone. Is that right?

10%? O h not bad good

already included? ok 

Can I go tomorrow?




(11번 유형) 은행

 I would like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You want to open a new bank account and also get a new credit card. Let's imagine that you're at the bank right now. Ask the bank teller 3-4 questions about opening a new account and getting a new card issued.


 Hi~ can I ask a few questions about credit cards?

What kind of credit cards do you offer? I heard that you have some kind of a special offer... is that right??

Oh that's nice! wow.. there are so many options!

So... can you recommend me the most popular ones??

Oh okay.. Um.. I'll take that one!

How much is the membership fee?

1dolor a month? not bad 

oh really? When i sign up for your site, this membership fee is free? 

I'll sign up right now !!

Can I get a account number  today?

Okay... thanks...




(11번 유형) 친구가 공원이나 콘서트, 극장 등 가자했을 때 물어봐라.

6. 다음 주말에 친구가 공원에 같이 가자고 합니다. 이 회의의 관련 세부 사항을 알아보기 위해 3~4개의 추가 질문을 하십시오. (공원)


Hi --, this is chan woong , How are you?

I’m doing awesome.

Anyway, I’m calling about the ____ What you told me on the call.

Yeah you now , the ____

Where should we meet? What time is good?

What do you want to do after going to the park?

Do I have to scan the 백신QR code to enter the ___?

because everywhere demand Vaccine qr code 

um... no problem I already have the 백신QR code. im ready.

See you tommorow ~ have a good day !






(11번 유형) 물건 구매 가구, 영화티켓, 등 

<롤플레이 1> -물건 구매, 예약, 예매, 렌트 등


I’m calling about a sofa.

(I’m calling about book the ticket)

is there a cowhide sofa? I want black plz

(Are there seats for Interstellar movie now? oh center plz)

I heard that you offer a summer discount for everyone. Is that right?

10%? O h not bad good

what? you give me an extra 2% discount, When I sign up for your site?

sorry i hate hassle ... 

i Just want to buy a product with a summer discount.

(Can I pay for credit card?)

Ah, would you it be possible to deliver it today?

because Im going on a trip tomorrow





(11번 유형) 지인초대 부모님에게 여쭤보기 

지인을 초대하는데 부모님에게 여쭤보기


Well, I plan to invite my friend's family to my house.

So I have some questions,

First, Dad What are you doing on the weeked? are you busy?

What about you, mom? 

how about this sunday? 

and we should decide on the rifht time. What time is good?

Okay perfact.

Lastly, mom can you prepared galbi?

because galbi is one of the my friend favorite food.





(11번 유형) 내가 가고싶은데 친구한테 물어보기  (국내여행, 공원, 영화관 어디든) 

13: 지인에게 질문을 3~4가지 하는데 (내가 정보를 가지고 있을 경우)


I recently finished my exames, so i’m planning to go on a trip

(어디갈지 설명)

Would you like to go with me?  Oh really?

but I get to say , you know

I have a plans for a weekday.

so I only have a time on the weekends. are you busy on the weekend?

then(그러면) ...Where should we meet? What time is good?

Would you like to go by taxi? or bus?

would you like to have brunch time before go on a trip?

I think Outback is best , because this restaurant is one of the my best.

Alright see you on Sunday.





(11번 유형) 친척한명 휴가 가는데 집안일 봐주라고 부탁함 

6-3 친척한명휴가감,너가그분집안일을봐주기로함.전화해서필요한정보
- 언제 갈까? When should I go?
- 주차장? I'm planning to go by car.
- 사살거 있는ㅋ지? Is there anything I should buy at the mart before going home?

7-2 점심먹기로한날,가족한명아픔,음성메시지로친구에게상황설명하고
But My mother suddenly got sick in the morning.
So my mother is now lying in a hospital bed.
and I am hospital with my mother now.




(11번 유형)

-친구와 약속
is this a good time to talk right now?
im calling because I had a few questions
-I was wondering .. are you busy this weekend?
-would you like to go to the summer rock festival this sunday?
-would you like to have dinner before the event?
-how about 6:00 at the park



(11번 유형) 음악 친구꺼 mp3 괜찮은거 같아서 물어봐라 

im calling about the your mp3
I plan to buy a new mp3 player, because recently my mp3 was broken
so i have some questions about your mp3 player
The most important thing to me is the price
how much did you pay for the mp3?
and where did you buy this?
oh one more thing.
How long is the AS service?
Thank you for the information.





(12번 유형) 국내 여행

Im sorry, You have purchased and booked a non-refundable airline tichet.

Unfortunately, However, shomthing unforeseen has come up which will pervent you from traveling

the following week. Contact you travel agent. explain what has occurred, and suggest two or three 

solutions to this problem.

죄송하지만, 당신은 환불이 불가능한 비행기표를 구매했습니다.

그러나 불행하게도 예상치 못한 어떤 일이 생겨서  다음주에 여행을 할 수 없습니다. 여행사 담당자에게

전화해서 어떤 일이 일어났는지 설명하고 문제 해결을 위한 해결책을 주세 가지 제시해 보시오


Hi this is chan ung, I can't go on the vacation that I planned with your agency.

Because My mother suddenly got sick in the morning.
So now, my mother is lying in a hospital bed.
and I am hospital with my mother.

Now, I'm concernd about my flight ticket (which was non-refundable).

So... Can I change to another time?

if that's impossible, can I sell it to another person?

I hope you take care of this as soon as you can.

thank you.







(12번 유형) 은행 , 식당에서 신용카드 잃어 버림 

I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You found out that you left your bank card at a restaurant. Call the restaurant immediately. Explain where you were seated and describe your card for them. Also, ask them how they can get the card back to you. 


Hello? hi~ Is this the pork restaurant ? I need your help.

I had lunch at your restaurant today... and I think I left my credit card there...

So... can you please help find it?

um... I was seated at table number1 And.. it was nearby the entrance!

Uh.. my card is white color and it has no pattern. It looks simple.

If you find credit card, call me plz.
and Call me even if you can't find credit card

My number is 010-1111-1234

Thanks for the help!! Bye!






(12번 유형) 친구에게 빌린 mp3 고장 문제 해결 

7. You borrowed an MP3 player from this friend, but you unfortunately broke it. Contact your friend and describe how it broke and its current condition. Then suggest two or three ways that you can get another working MP3 player for your friend as quickly as possible. (음악)


sorry my friend
I'll tell you right away.
The mp3 that I borrowed from you is broken.
I explain now, I overslept before going to work. So I ran.
But the mp3 dropped while ranning

this mp3 didn't turn on
I felt frustrated.

So... I thoght a lot about it.

can I tell you some solution?
First, You said that it's been a year since you bought this.
So can you get A/S service?
Second, If can't AS서비스 I'll pay for it.





(12번 유형) 친구와의 어떤 약속을 어겨야되는 상황 


12 : 약속을 어겨야 되는 상황. (전제를 주고 약속을 어겨라, 안주기도 함)

hi , eva , Im calling about our night gaming promise for today.

But I forgot that today is my mom birthday.

Actually, So I have to have a birthday party with my parents tonight.

My family celebrates birthdays together every year.

So Do you want to play games after birthday party maybe 10pm ?

Or how about play the game on another day?

Which one would be better for you? Oky






(12번 유형) 구매(상품), 예약(티켓) 의 문제가 발생함 상황을 설명하고 대안 제시


There is something wrong with (티켓, 가구)

I just found out that (the ticket date was wrong.) (scratch on the desk)

I don't understand how it happened,

but , I hope you take care of this as soon as you can

Can I tell you some solutions?

First I exchange it with new one. ( plus popcorn set, Someone took my place because of wrong ticket.)

Second, I get a refund.

if you pick a first solution, you have to deliver it today. because i go on a trip tommorow.

Which one would be possible for you?

I want this process to go smoothly. plz I don't have much time



(12번 유형) 공원, 콘서트, 식당 등이 문을 닫는것을 알게되고, 친구에게 상황 설명후 대안 제시 


hi , eva , Im calling about our concert appointment for today.

But, I got a text message today, it's closed because of covid-19.

So I thought a lot about it.

Can I tell you some solutions?

First How about go another day? I think we can go after a week.  brcuz recently, manypeople catch a covid 

Second, There's a dessert cafe near my house, would you like to go there?

this cafe is one of the my best.

Which one would be better for you?

Or there is one last way to just not go.

to be honest, i want to get some rest in my home






(13번 유형) 전자제품 고장 경험

It was when I was in Australia.
I dropped my phone while walking.
However, the phone did not turn on.
It was shocking.
I had to get up early in the morning for work.
The alarm was one of the cell phone function.
But there is no alarm.
so right away I bought an alarm clock.
And the next day I went shopping mall to buy a cell phone.


13번 (가구, 제품)

Have ever had a problem with something you bought? What was the problem and how did you solved it.
구매한 제품에 문제가 발생한 적이 있습니까? 문제는 무엇이고 어떻게 해결하셨습니까?

I bought a cell phone online.
I received the cell phone by courier that day.
but , It's so different from what I saw on the online.
It was the staff's mistake.
The staff quickly changed it to a new cell phone.
He apologized me and he gave me a small present.
I think anyone can make a mistake.






im here because - 
I was wondering , could i park there for free?
oh one more thing



i was thinking, how about we exchange the ticket for another day?
Or, if that's not possible. 


I received the item by courier today.
but , It's so different from what I saw on the Internet.




아파서 취소한거 친구에게 
If you really want to go today,
Do you want to go with my friend?


how about go on a another day? My mother's health is important to me now. sorry

오픽 롤플레이 Top 10 

1. MP3

2. 친구 초대 (친구를 집으로 초대하면서 물어봄)

3. 파티 준비
11. One of your friends asked you to help him throw
a party. Call your friend and ask two or three 
questions to find out how to prepare for the party
친구 중 한 명이 파티를 여는 것을 도와달라고 부탁했습니다. 친구에게 전화해서 2~3명에게 물어보세요
파티 준비 방법을 알아보기 위한 질문


Are you having a birthday party?
I really wanted to go to your birthday party.
What can I do to help?
will I buy some food before I go to the party?
How about wine, juice or meat? 
And I'll help you clean up after the party.

Let's make a fun party

12. 친구에게 못가거나 늦는다고 말하기
13. 급한일로 인해서 가족이나 친구를 못도와준적

4. 티켓 예매

5. 친구와의 약속

6. 국내 여행
 -  travel agency에 전화해서 관련된 예약 잡기
 - 친구에게 물어봐서 어떤곳이 좋냐?

 - 문제가 생겨 비행기를 못타거나 기차를 못탐

8. 은행 계좌 개설
 - 은행 계좌 질문하기
 - 지갑 잃어 버리게 된다. 신용카드 분실)

9. 호텔 예약
 - 호텔에 전화해서 예약하는 거
 - 예약 했는데 다른 방을 준 경우
10. 스마트폰/가전제품 구매 (쇼핑)
 - 물건 물어보는거 
 - 가전제품의 문제, 스크래치 등
 - 교환이나 환불 한적이 있느냐 ? 

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