자격증/Opic29 오픽 롤플 ( 여우 문제 ) 10. I would like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You want to watch a movie with your friend. Call a theater and ask 3 or 4 questions about the movie tickets 11. I'm sorry but there is a problem I want you to resolve. You just found out you've been sold the wrong tickets. Ask someone at the movie theater for solution giving him or her 2 or 3 alternatives 12. Have you ever been .. 2022. 5. 16. 모임 사람들이 가는 모임과 하는 것들 묘사 Talk about gatherings and celebrations in your country. What do people do when they get together or to celebrate things ? Give me all the details. People mostly have social gatherings. They normally grab some drinks with some side dishes at bars. They sometimes play drinking games. In most cases, couples are born at this gathering. like this, many people relieve their stress.. 2022. 5. 15. 오픽 IM1 후기 [IM2 실패] 노베이스 오픽 IM2를 목표로 총 준비기간 4주정도 공부하였지만 IM1 나왔다... 솔직히 대부분 후기들에 말도안되게 망했는데 IH, IM3, IM2 나왔다 길래 나름 IH까지 기대했는데 ... 핵심은 그 사람들 원래 실력이 높은데 (남들에 비해) 자기 기대만큼 안나와서 망했네 어쩌고 하는거임... 절대 IH 쉬운게 아님... 총 15 문제중에서 14,15 스킵하고 3번인가? 스킵하고 나머지 대답했다. 내 주관적인 답변 점수를 매기자면 (5점만점) 2~4 옷(돌발) 2.5? 1개 스킵 5~7 날씨 (돌발) 3.5 나쁘지 않았음 8~10 음악 4.5 준비한만큼 잘함 11~13 국내여행 롤플 3.5 끊김은 없었는데 좀 이상한 말 함 14~15 캠핑 스킵 다시 1~2주 준비해서 도전해보려고 하는데 다시 스크립.. 2022. 2. 6. 약속 [주로 하는 약속 설명, 묘사] I usually make appointments to drink with my friend, 상현 He is one of the my best friends. We always go to the pc room to play games before drink appointment. after that, we just drink at the bar. we sometime lose track of time when we drink I like to hang out with him. drinkg appointments help me to releive my stress. [약속 잡을 때 하는 일] When people make an appointment, we consider .. 2022. 1. 27. 테크놀로지 어떤 종류의 기술을 사용하시너요? 무엇을 위해 사용 하시나요? I think smartphone is one of the best technology in the world. Everyone has a smartphone. You can manage your bank account. And the camera function is perfect. Many people watch movies or TV on their smartphones. like this, there are many function in smartphone I think , This technique is one of the best inventions. 최근 사용 테크놀로지 설명 - 집에서 보내는 휴가 휴대폰 테크놀로지 과거 현재 비.. 2022. 1. 27. 인터넷 [주로 사용하는 인터넷 웹사이트]어떤 웹사이트를 방문? I usually use the Naver website. which is the biggest website in Korea. I use this website more than Google. Becase I enjoy watch the webtoons and the issue. but sometimes i use the google when i search a major. I think, Websites are getting faster and variaty. 인터넷을 위해 쓰는 장비, 소프트웨어 if i remember correct, Ten years ago, all the Internet used only a desktop. but now,.. 2022. 1. 27. 호텔 당신의 나라에서 유명한 호텔 몇가지 말해주세요 there are many famous hotels in Korea. Especialy, Lotte Hotel, Shlla Hotel and busan signiel (건물 스크립트) 호텔에서 하는 일, 행동 습관 When I arrived at a hotel, First I go to the front desk to check in. and I get my room number and the key. After that , I go to the swimming pool in the hotel. After swim, I go to my room and get some rest at the room. If i feel hungry, I usually go to.. 2022. 1. 27. 롤플레이 (아무거나) (11번 유형) 호텔 예약 I'd like to reserve a room on the today. are you all booked that night? I would like Non-smoking room, please I don't mind room size I heard that you offer a summer discount for everyone. Is that right? 10%? O h not bad good what? you give me an extra 2% discount, When I sign up for your site? I'll sign up right now !! can i pay for credit card? thank you. (11번 유형) 국내 여행 I'd like .. 2022. 1. 26. 국내여행 스크립트 8. 당신이 좋아하는 국내 여행지-어디인가-왜 그장소가 좋은가 among many place in korea I like Jeju Island. The sea of Jeju Island is really clean and beautiful. So whenever I go to Jeju Island, I always swim in the beach. And there are many outdoor activities. Also there is a famous place in Jeju. it is Hallamountain. Hallasan is one of the highest mountains in Korea. Especialy, top of the Hallamountain is very beautif.. 2022. 1. 25. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음